Top Melbourne wedding photography spots

weddings tips-diy 14 February 2023

    Some of Melbourne’s best locations to snap up your wedding pictures are located only 20 minutes outside of our CBD. We have gathered together some of our past brides favourite locations to get their photo’s taken.

    Chanel Russel Street

    A popular trend we have noticed amongst our Leonda brides is to have a photo taken outside of the Chanel store located on Russel Street. The elegance of the beautiful architecture of the Russel Street store provides the perfect backdrop! Some brides even borrow some bags and boxes to add to the luxuriousness of the photos.


    Flinders Street and AC/DC Lane

    One of Melbourne’s most iconic landmarks is Flinders Street Station. Provides a fantastic backdrop in the heart of Melbourne. Flinders Street Station showcases the beautiful chaos of Melbourne perfectly. Using it as your backdrop will provide you with a gorgeous moment shared in a beautifully, crazy city. In close proximity to Flinders Street Station is AC/DC Lane. Showcasing the artistic graffiti that Melbourne is know for, AC/DC Lane will make your wedding pictures pop! It is also much quieter than Hosier Lane, another popular location for Melbourne’s street art.


    Leonda By The Yarra jetty dock

    To provide convenience for your big day, have you considered having your photos taken in or outside of your venue? Here at Leonda, we have spaces such as our jetty located on the Yarra and also our Garden Room courtyard provides the perfect greenery background. In addition to our jetty, there is also a beautiful park located behind our establishment, Wallan Reserve. The lush garden will give your wedding photos the perfect pop of greenery, and is conveniently located right behind us!

    leonda jetty

    St Kilda Army Barracks

    Located just down the road from Flinders Street Station is the gorgeous St Kilda Army Barracks. The late 19th century building is now used as a museum, but the Renaissance Revival architecture building that is covered in leafy greens gives a lush background for wedding photos. The leafy green background is an ideal backdrop to make your white gown pop!


    St Kilda

    There are plenty more locations in St Kilda for wedding photos; being the beach, outside of the entrance to Luna Park, and the iconic Palace Theatre and the St Kilda Botanical Gardens. The gorgeous architecture of the Palace gives the perfect backdrop! If you’re after a backdrop that is a little bit more quirky and fun, then Luna Park is just what you need! Inside the grounds you could also make use of the centrepiece of Luna Park, the carousel!

    st kilda

    Melbourne University

    This university campus is made of beautiful sandstone, with some of the buildings dating back to 1853. There is a fee for the permit to take photos on the grounds, unlike the other venues mentioned.

    melb uni

    (Photos sourced from our very own Leonda brides, Ateia Photography & Video, Dezine by Mauro and Desiren Photography & Video.)

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